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Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy for children with autism focuses on enhancing their ability to participate in everyday activities and develop essential life skills. Occupational therapists work with children to address challenges related to sensory processing, motor skills, self-care, play skills, and overall independence.

Here's how occupational therapy can help children with autism:


  1. Sensory Integration: Occupational therapists help children with autism regulate their sensory responses and integrate sensory information more effectively. This can involve activities to desensitize or increase tolerance to sensory stimuli and strategies to help children cope with sensory overload or sensory-seeking behaviors.

  2. Fine Motor Skills: Occupational therapy targets the development of fine motor skills, including activities such as handwriting, cutting with scissors, buttoning clothes, and using utensils. These skills are essential for tasks like dressing, grooming, and participating in school activities.

  3. Gross Motor Skills: Therapists work on improving gross motor skills such as balance, coordination, and strength through activities like jumping, climbing, throwing, and catching. Developing these skills enhances a child's ability to participate in sports, games, and physical activities.

  4. Self-Care Skills: Occupational therapy addresses self-care tasks such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and feeding. Therapists may use techniques to teach independence in these activities and adapt the environment or equipment to support the child's needs.

  5. Play and Social Skills: Occupational therapists help children with autism engage in meaningful play activities and develop social skills such as turn-taking, sharing, and interacting with peers. They may use structured play interventions and social stories to teach appropriate social behaviors and improve social communication.

  6. Environmental Modifications: Therapists assess the child's home, school, and community environments to identify modifications or accommodations that can support the child's participation and independence in daily activities.


Occupational therapy sessions are individualized to each child's unique strengths, challenges, and goals, with a focus on promoting independence, confidence, and overall well-being. By addressing underlying difficulties and building essential skills, occupational therapy empowers children with autism to thrive and succeed in their daily lives.

Occupational Therapy I Resplice Child Development Center I Autism Care Clinic
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